Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mite Busters

Ms. Y is a PCAT staff and a physical therapist.  She is one of those dynamos.  Shortly before I arrived, she started a new mission called Mite Busters.  As some of you may know, we have a rainy season or Tsuyu, which spans most of June and July.
The problem of Tsuyu is, of course, humidity.  Since the rainy season is in the early summer, the temperature reaches 80-90 degrees F and humidity of 95-100%.  This is an ideal condition for mite and mold to thrive.  Most of the shelters are places like school gyms without air-conditioning or adequate air circulation, exacerbating the situation.  And the residents of these shelters sleep on the floor with Futon mattress.
I think you get the picture.  During the rainy season, damp Futon mattresses become ideal culture media for mite and mold.  Ms. Y, seeing the potential health problem for the shelter residents, started Mite Busters.  Making rounds of tons of shelters, she and her troops vacuum and dry Futon mattresses.  Some of the large shelters house over 100 people and it takes more than a few days to clean the shelter floor and Futons.

You may not understand Japanese, but you can see what the Mite Busters are doing.  Many medical students and college students came up to Ishinomaki during the week and over the weekends for the Mite Buster project.  It is true labor of love.   
Praise to you, Ms. Y…


  1. 大変ですね!ご苦労さまです。へー「ダニバスターズ」って、えり子さんって、もしかしてめ組?と思ってちょっと調べたのですが良く分かりませんでした。「石巻災害復興支援協議会」のページにいったら、参加団体が269団体!ーびっくりしました。もちろんPCATもめ組も入っていますね。チーム内、チーム外でbondingを固め、ますますパワー全快ですね。Sorry in Japanese. I really enjoy your blog. Looking forward to reading your next bonding! :)

  2. 英里子さんはPCAT(日本プライマリーケア連合学会の被災地医療支援プロジェクト)で来られている理学療法士さんですが、石巻災害復興支援協議会の参加団体のいくつかと共同でダニバスターズを立ち上げました。 め組も一緒に活動されているようです。

